Rome, Italy, April 9 2010

MIMOS organized the DIFESA2010 Conference with good success in term of audience and quality.
Prof. Bruzzone (in Teleconference from Suffolk, VA where it was involved in meetings with USJFCOM and VMASC) and Alberto Tremori was presenting Simulation Team Research Initiatives, with special attention to Intelligent Agents for CIMIC Modelling.

	Difesa2010, Rome - MIMOS Conference	Difesa2010, Rome - MIMOS Conference 	Difesa2010, Rome - Prof. Agostino Bruzzone in Teleconference from Suffolk VA to Rome presenting CIMIC and PSYOPS Modelling based on Intelligent Agents (IA-CGF)	Difesa2010, Rome - Prof. Agostino Bruzzone in Teleconference from Suffolk VA to Rome presenting CIMIC and PSYOPS Modelling based on Intelligent Agents (IA-CGF) 	Difesa2010, Rome - Prof. Agostino Bruzzone in Teleconference from Suffolk VA to Rome presenting CIMIC and PSYOPS Modelling based on Intelligent Agents (IA-CGF)	Difesa2010, Rome - Prof. Agostino Bruzzone in Teleconference from Suffolk VA to Rome presenting CIMIC and PSYOPS Modelling based on Intelligent Agents (IA-CGF) 	Difesa2010, Rome - Dr. Alberto Tremori during the Joint Presentation of CIMIC (Civil Military Cooperation) Modelling with Prof. Agostino Bruzzone in Teleconference from USA	Difesa2010, Rome - Dr. Alberto Tremori during the Joint Presentation of CIMIC (Civil Military Cooperation) Modelling with Prof. Agostino Bruzzone in Teleconference from USA
	Difesa2010, Rome - Bruzzone in Teleconference from Suffolk VA to Rome	Difesa2010, Rome - Bruzzone in Teleconference from Suffolk VA to Rome 	Difesa2010, Rome - Bruzzone in Teleconference from Suffolk VA to Rome	Difesa2010, Rome - Bruzzone in Teleconference from Suffolk VA to Rome 	Difesa2010, Rome - Conference on Simulation applied to Defense in Rome	Difesa2010, Rome - Conference on Simulation applied to Defense in Rome 	Difesa2010, Rome - Dr. Alberto Tremori during the Joint Presentation of CIMIC (Civil Military Cooperation) Modelling with Prof. Agostino Bruzzone in Teleconference from USA	Difesa2010, Rome - Dr. Alberto Tremori during the Joint Presentation of CIMIC (Civil Military Cooperation) Modelling with Prof. Agostino Bruzzone in Teleconference from USA
	Difesa2010, Rome - Audience from Military Services, Agencies, Academia and Industries for Simulazione & Difesa 2010 in Rome focusing	Difesa2010, Rome - Audience from Military Services, Agencies, Academia and Industries for Simulazione & Difesa 2010 in Rome focusing 	Difesa2010, Rome - Ing. Paolo Proietti, during the opening event	Difesa2010, Rome - Ing. Paolo Proietti, during the opening event 	Difesa2010, Rome - Prof. Agostino Bruzzone in Teleconference from Suffolk VA to Rome presenting CIMIC and PSYOPS Modelling based on Intelligent Agents (IA-CGF)	Difesa2010, Rome - Prof. Agostino Bruzzone in Teleconference from Suffolk VA to Rome presenting CIMIC and PSYOPS Modelling based on Intelligent Agents (IA-CGF) 	Difesa2010, Rome - Dr. Alberto Tremori during the Joint Presentation of CIMIC (Civil Military Cooperation) Modelling with Prof. Agostino Bruzzone in Teleconference from USA	Difesa2010, Rome - Dr. Alberto Tremori during the Joint Presentation of CIMIC (Civil Military Cooperation) Modelling with Prof. Agostino Bruzzone in Teleconference from USA
	Difesa2010, Rome - Mimos event organized for presenting advances in M&S applied in Defence and Aerospace in Italy	Difesa2010, Rome - Mimos event organized for presenting advances in M&S applied in Defence and Aerospace in Italy 	Difesa2010, Rome - Mimos event organized for presenting advances in M&S applied in Defence and Aerospace in Italy	Difesa2010, Rome - Mimos event organized for presenting advances in M&S applied in Defence and Aerospace in Italy 	Difesa2010, Rome - Ing. Paolo Proietti, during the opening event	Difesa2010, Rome - Ing. Paolo Proietti, during the opening event 	Difesa2010, Rome - Col.Mastrorosa presenting the new NATO Modelling and Simulation (M&S) Center of Excellence initiative	Difesa2010, Rome - Col.Mastrorosa presenting the new NATO Modelling and Simulation (M&S) Center of Excellence initiative
	Difesa2010, Rome - Mimos event organized for presenting advances in M&S applied in Defence and Aerospace in Italy	Difesa2010, Rome - Mimos event organized for presenting advances in M&S applied in Defence and Aerospace in Italy 	Difesa2010, Rome - Audience from Military Services, Agencies, Academia and Industries for Difesa 2010 in Rome	Difesa2010, Rome - Audience from Military Services, Agencies, Academia and Industries for Difesa 2010 in Rome
Pictures Courtesy of MIMOS and Liophant Simulation
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