MIPET Presentation

Villa Cambiaso, Piano Nobile, Genoa, Italy, June 1, 2011

Aziende e Università Insieme per Rilanciare l’Impiantistica Genovese nel Mondo:


Il 1 di giugno 2011, alle ore 9, presso Villa Cambiaso, Salone Piano Nobile della Facolta' di Ingegneria, si e` svolto l'incontro "Aziende e Università Insieme per Rilanciare l’impiantistica genovese nel mondo: nuove opportunità per i giovani ingegneri".
La Preside Paola Girdinio ha fornito una chiara visione di insieme dell'eccellenza che da sempre contraddistingue la Facolta' di Ingegneria di Genova, intesa come una dinamica capacità' di interloquire sui problemi reali impostando di volta in volta azioni volte a creare sinergie con le diverse aree applicative; tra queste l'impiantistica che vede in effetti Genova quale polo di eccellenza.
Il Prof. Agostino Bruzzone, Direttore del Master MIPET (Master in Industrial Plants, Engineering & Technologies, www.master.impianti.unige.it), ha introdotto le nuove iniziative di impiantistica che vedono l'Università di Genova operare a stretto contatto con aziende leader, a livello nazionale e internazionale in questo settore, tramite la creazione di un tessuto comune di sviluppo che supporti ricerca, innovazione e internazionalizzazione e che predisponga percorsi formativi nuovi creando opportunità per i giovani ingegneri nel campo delle tecnologie applicate.
L'incontro si e' sviluppato come una tavola rotonda capace di permettere l'interazione tra studenti, Aziende e Università, evidenziando le rispettive aspettative nel contesto globale degli impianti industriali, dell'ingegneria e delle Construction.
In particolare si e' presentato il Master Universitario Internazionale MIPET sviluppato dall'Ateneo Genovese in cooperazione con le Aziende sponsor delle diverse edizioni: ABB, Ansaldo Energia, Bombardier, Danieli, Duferco Engineering, Fagioli, Fisia Italimpianti, Iren/Iride, Paul Wurth, PMS, Projenia RINA, Tenova, con altri Centri di Eccellenza e con il patrocinio di Confindustria e Ordine degli Ingegneri.
Il Master, giunto alla terza edizione, e' stato integralmente finanziato dalle Aziende sponsor già nel 2010/2011, senza per altro usufruire di alcun finanziamento pubblico, a dimostrazione dell'interesse del settore industriale, ed ha consentito a giovani ingegneri eccellenti, identificati tramite una selezione estesa, di sviluppare esperienze e competenze molto qualificanti.
Per il 2011 si prevede di sviluppare ulteriormente il Master MIPET tramite una politica di internazionalizzazione, mantenendo per altro aperti alcuni suoi moduli operativi anche agli ingegneri già' impiegati in aziende o professionisti, in modo da fornire competenze post laurea altamente qualificate, su temi critici quali la sicurezza nell'impiantistica, il project management, construction & engineering, norme e regolamenti.
Nell’ambito della discussione sono state proposte sia le esperienze di giovani ingegneri, sia le aspettative delle Aziende in termini di curriculum e potenziale degli ingegneri neolaureati.

(a Cura del Servizio Comunicazione dell'Universita' di Genova – tel. 0102099209, fax 0102099326, e-mail: comunicazione@unige.it)

	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June
	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	Prof.Agostino Bruzzone, Director of Master in Industrial Plants, Engineering and Technologies	Prof.Agostino Bruzzone, Director of Master in Industrial Plants, Engineering and Technologies
	Prof.Paola Girdinio, Engineering Dean of Genoa University at the Opening of MIPET Presentation	Prof.Paola Girdinio, Engineering Dean of Genoa University at the Opening of MIPET Presentation 	Prof.Paola Girdinio, Engineering Dean welcoming Companies attending to the presentation of the Master in Industrial Plants Engineering and Technologies of the Genoa University	Prof.Paola Girdinio, Engineering Dean welcoming Companies attending to the presentation of the Master in Industrial Plants Engineering and Technologies of the Genoa University 	Prof.Paola Girdinio, Engineering Dean welcoming students attending to the presentation of the Master in Industrial Plants Engineering and Technologies of the Genoa University	Prof.Paola Girdinio, Engineering Dean welcoming students attending to the presentation of the Master in Industrial Plants Engineering and Technologies of the Genoa University 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June
	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June
	Opening MIPET: Ing.Madeo (Simulation Team), Dott.ssa Massei (DIPTEM), Dott.ssa Cavallo (ABB), Ing.Barabino (ABB), Ing.Raggio (Tenova), Ing.Migliorini (Fisia Italimpianti), Prof.Palumbo (Perform), Ing.Tremori (Simulation Team), Ing.Fontana (Paul Wurth), Ing.Castelli (Duferco), Ing.Donetti (Danieli), Ing. (Ordine degli Ingegneri)	Opening MIPET: Ing.Madeo (Simulation Team), Dott.ssa Massei (DIPTEM), Dott.ssa Cavallo (ABB), Ing.Barabino (ABB), Ing.Raggio (Tenova), Ing.Migliorini (Fisia Italimpianti), Prof.Palumbo (Perform), Ing.Tremori (Simulation Team), Ing.Fontana (Paul Wurth), Ing.Castelli (Duferco), Ing.Donetti (Danieli), Ing. (Ordine degli Ingegneri) 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June
	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	Ing.Raggio outlining evolution of MIPET Master Program	Ing.Raggio outlining evolution of MIPET Master Program 	Ing.Raggio (Tenova) on the importance of International Issues for MIPET Master Program	Ing.Raggio (Tenova) on the importance of International Issues for MIPET Master Program 	Dott.ssa Marina Massei (Simulation Team) on the traditions in International Relations withing Simulation Team MISS DIPTEM Genoa University	Dott.ssa Marina Massei (Simulation Team) on the traditions in International Relations withing Simulation Team MISS DIPTEM Genoa University
	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	Prof.Palumbo provide the Perform point of View on the Importance of Genoa University Master Programs	Prof.Palumbo provide the Perform point of View on the Importance of Genoa University Master Programs 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June
	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	Ing.Deiana, Ansaldo Energia, presents his experience during last years of working in the Company and the advantages provided by MIPET Master	Ing.Deiana, Ansaldo Energia, presents his experience during last years of working in the Company and the advantages provided by MIPET Master
	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	Ing.Madeo confirms the benefits for Students of being involved in an International framework based on her experience with Engineering Society at Bogazicy University and with SmackDown Project with NASA, MIT, Bordeaux Univ., Huntsville Univ. And MISS DIPTEM Genoa	Ing.Madeo confirms the benefits for Students of being involved in an International framework based on her experience with Engineering Society at Bogazicy University and with SmackDown Project with NASA, MIT, Bordeaux Univ., Huntsville Univ. And MISS DIPTEM Genoa 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June
	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	Dott.ssa De Rege (Paul Wurth) describes MIPET as an example of Excellence following  Traditions present in Genoa Area about Industrial Plants & Engineering	Dott.ssa De Rege (Paul Wurth) describes MIPET as an example of Excellence following Traditions present in Genoa Area about Industrial Plants & Engineering 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	Ing.Franchini presents the point of view of the Professional Engineering Organization (Albo degli Ingegneri di Genova) and the importance of working all together on this initiative for maximum impact on the sector	Ing.Franchini presents the point of view of the Professional Engineering Organization (Albo degli Ingegneri di Genova) and the importance of working all together on this initiative for maximum impact on the sector
	Ind.Donetti (Danieli) presents Construction & Engineering real Examples where it results evident the contribution of MIPET	Ind.Donetti (Danieli) presents Construction & Engineering real Examples where it results evident the contribution of MIPET 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	Ing.Romairone and Dott.ssa Modugno (from Bombardier) represent an example of the two key elments provided by the companies that guarantee the success of MIPET: Top Quality Engineers and Human Resource Managers	Ing.Romairone and Dott.ssa Modugno (from Bombardier) represent an example of the two key elments provided by the companies that guarantee the success of MIPET: Top Quality Engineers and Human Resource Managers 	Ing.Romairone (Bombardier) describes the expectations for Engineers in the new world market and the importance of MIPET	Ing.Romairone (Bombardier) describes the expectations for Engineers in the new world market and the importance of MIPET
	Ing.Castelli (Duferco) outlines the Operational Modules and the strong interaction between experts and professor in providing a new effective training both for Master Students and for Engineers already working in companies	Ing.Castelli (Duferco) outlines the Operational Modules and the strong interaction between experts and professor in providing a new effective training both for Master Students and for Engineers already working in companies 	Prof.Agostino Bruzzone reinforce the concept of Technical Excellence, Leadership, Motivation and Potential as four pillars for our young MIPET Students	Prof.Agostino Bruzzone reinforce the concept of Technical Excellence, Leadership, Motivation and Potential as four pillars for our young MIPET Students 	Ing.Tremori (Simulation Team) presents the importance of using innovative technologies such as Simulation in this industrial area and the competitive advantage to introduce young engineers on these topics	Ing.Tremori (Simulation Team) presents the importance of using innovative technologies such as Simulation in this industrial area and the competitive advantage to introduce young engineers on these topics 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June
	Dott.ssa Cavallo (ABB) and Prof.Bruzzone (Genoa University) confirming that the MIPET Master is based on strong collaboration between Academia and Industries	Dott.ssa Cavallo (ABB) and Prof.Bruzzone (Genoa University) confirming that the MIPET Master is based on strong collaboration between Academia and Industries 	Mrs.Gragnani, 2nd classified on the overall ranking of Genoa University Engineering Freshmen (about 1000 students), describes her expectations as top quality student during early phases of her education path in engineering 	Mrs.Gragnani, 2nd classified on the overall ranking of Genoa University Engineering Freshmen (about 1000 students), describes her expectations as top quality student during early phases of her education path in engineering 	Ing.Bignami (Tenova) presenting the importance of engineers and the competitive advantage provided by MIPET Master through International Approach and Excellence	Ing.Bignami (Tenova) presenting the importance of engineers and the competitive advantage provided by MIPET Master through International Approach and Excellence 	Ing.Milanta (recently graduated in MIPET and working in Paul Wurth) provides a synthesis of his experience during last year of Master Program	Ing.Milanta (recently graduated in MIPET and working in Paul Wurth) provides a synthesis of his experience during last year of Master Program
	Ing.Cuneo and Prof.Bruzzone discussing about MIPET contribution to Young Engineers capabilities	Ing.Cuneo and Prof.Bruzzone discussing about MIPET contribution to Young Engineers capabilities
	Ing.Barabino (ABB) reinforces the concepts related to innovation, technologies, simulation and international issues	Ing.Barabino (ABB) reinforces the concepts related to innovation, technologies, simulation and international issues 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	Prof.Lucifredi confirms the importance to walk on the applications and experiencing on the field in order to become effective engineers	Prof.Lucifredi confirms the importance to walk on the applications and experiencing on the field in order to become effective engineers 	Ing.Migliorini presents examples of former MIPET students acquired by his company (FISIA Italimpianti) working successfully in Contracting Engineering thanks to the skills and methodologies acquired on this Master	Ing.Migliorini presents examples of former MIPET students acquired by his company (FISIA Italimpianti) working successfully in Contracting Engineering thanks to the skills and methodologies acquired on this Master
	Ing.Cuneo (Tenova) completed the MIPET two years ago, so he represents an example of very successful Company Experience based on this Master	Ing.Cuneo (Tenova) completed the MIPET two years ago, so he represents an example of very successful Company Experience based on this Master 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June (Ing.Milanta)	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June (Ing.Milanta) 	Ing.Venturini summarize the expectations that bring him into MIPET Master Program and their successful achievement	Ing.Venturini summarize the expectations that bring him into MIPET Master Program and their successful achievement
	Ing.Cenci completed successfully the Master in Industrial Plants this year presenting a work on Automation Controls for FREMM Frigates (Italian Navy Vessels)	Ing.Cenci completed successfully the Master in Industrial Plants this year presenting a work on Automation Controls for FREMM Frigates (Italian Navy Vessels) 	Ing.Strasserra is one of the most recent graduated students from MIPET: his internship was carried out very successfully in Ansaldo Energia (Power Plant Main Contractor) working on DCS (Digital Control System) and Automation Solutions for Safety and Electrical Controls	Ing.Strasserra is one of the most recent graduated students from MIPET: his internship was carried out very successfully in Ansaldo Energia (Power Plant Main Contractor) working on DCS (Digital Control System) and Automation Solutions for Safety and Electrical Controls 	Ing.Cassandro (International Student carrying out an internship in Projenia, RINA Group) and Ing.Diviacco (internship spent in Tenova on Engineering for Steel Industry) completed 2010/2011 MIPET Edition	Ing.Cassandro (International Student carrying out an internship in Projenia, RINA Group) and Ing.Diviacco (internship spent in Tenova on Engineering for Steel Industry) completed 2010/2011 MIPET Edition 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June (Ing.Strasserra, Master Student Graduated in 2011)	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June (Ing.Strasserra, Master Student Graduated in 2011)
	MIPET Professors, Students and Company Representative. First row: Prof.Reverberi, Prof. Gambaro, Ing. Bazzurro (Iren), Ing.Bompani (MIPET Graduated), Ing.Cenci (MIPET Graduated), Ing.Venturini (MIPET Graduated), Ing.Manzari (MIPET Graduated), Prof.Bruzzone (MIPET Director), Ing.Cassandro (MIPET Graduated), Ing.Strasserra (MIPET Graduated), Ing.Milanta (MIPET Graduated), Ing.Diviacco (MIPET Graduated), Dott.ssa Massei (DIPTEM), Ing.Madeo (Simulation Team); second row Prof.Tagliafico (DIPTEM), Dott.ssa Musizzano (Ansaldo Energia), Dott.ssa Burlando (Perform), Ing.Fontana (Paul Wurth), Ing.Raggio (Tenova), Ing. Costa (Ansaldo Energia)	MIPET Professors, Students and Company Representative. First row: Prof.Reverberi, Prof. Gambaro, Ing. Bazzurro (Iren), Ing.Bompani (MIPET Graduated), Ing.Cenci (MIPET Graduated), Ing.Venturini (MIPET Graduated), Ing.Manzari (MIPET Graduated), Prof.Bruzzone (MIPET Director), Ing.Cassandro (MIPET Graduated), Ing.Strasserra (MIPET Graduated), Ing.Milanta (MIPET Graduated), Ing.Diviacco (MIPET Graduated), Dott.ssa Massei (DIPTEM), Ing.Madeo (Simulation Team); second row Prof.Tagliafico (DIPTEM), Dott.ssa Musizzano (Ansaldo Energia), Dott.ssa Burlando (Perform), Ing.Fontana (Paul Wurth), Ing.Raggio (Tenova), Ing. Costa (Ansaldo Energia) 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June
	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June
	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June
	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June
	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June
	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June
	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June
	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June
	Ing.Bompani completed successfully the MIPET obtaining 110/110 cum Laude; he presented a work on Innovative solutions for Energy Efficiency applied in IREN (Formely Iride Acqua e Gas)	Ing.Bompani completed successfully the MIPET obtaining 110/110 cum Laude; he presented a work on Innovative solutions for Energy Efficiency applied in IREN (Formely Iride Acqua e Gas) 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June (Ing.Diviacco, Master Student Graduated in 2011)	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June (Ing.Diviacco, Master Student Graduated in 2011) 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June: Prof.Bruzzone assigning the Master Title to Ing.Bompani	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June: Prof.Bruzzone assigning the Master Title to Ing.Bompani 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June: Prof.Bruzzone assigning the Master Title to Ing.Cassandro	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June: Prof.Bruzzone assigning the Master Title to Ing.Cassandro
	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June: Prof.Bruzzone assigning the Master Title to Ing.Cenci	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June: Prof.Bruzzone assigning the Master Title to Ing.Cenci 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June: Prof.Bruzzone assigning the Master Title to Ing.Diviacco	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June: Prof.Bruzzone assigning the Master Title to Ing.Diviacco 	Prof.Bruzzone provide the MIPET Certificate of Successful Completion to Ing.Manzari	Prof.Bruzzone provide the MIPET Certificate of Successful Completion to Ing.Manzari 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June: Prof.Bruzzone assigning the Master Title to Ing.Milanta	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June: Prof.Bruzzone assigning the Master Title to Ing.Milanta
	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June: Prof.Bruzzone assigning the Master Title to Ing.Strasserra	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June: Prof.Bruzzone assigning the Master Title to Ing.Strasserra 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June: Prof.Bruzzone assigning the Master Title to Ing.Venturini	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June: Prof.Bruzzone assigning the Master Title to Ing.Venturini 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June: All together after the completion of Graduation Ceremony	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June: All together after the completion of Graduation Ceremony 	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June	MIPET, Genoa University 1st June

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